Here at the Manor, we are proud to have such a diverse hospitality team. Wherever they come from, whatever their age or experience, they support one another, and are proud of the job they do. And the skills they bring to the table, skills which often come from a totally different place.

In this ‘Meet the Team’ post we meet Rebecca, who joined us in 2021after spending seven years raising her children. It’s been such a privilege to see her grow in confidence and find her feet. We also admire how she juggles working in hospitality while balancing family life.  rebecca lakings, guest service supervisor

Q: How long have you been working at Healing Manor and how old were you when you first started? 

I have been working at Healing Manor since November 2021, when I had just turned 27! 

Q: What role do you play in the Manor’s incredible team? 

Currently my role is Hotel Manager, which means I look after reception, housekeeping and the sales office. I have the best team!  

Q: Had you worked in hospitality before joining Healing Manor? 

I worked at my local pub before I had the kids, and then I was very fortunate to spend the past 7 years raising them. 

Q: How did you feel about the job when you first started? 

In all honesty, I was petrified this was my first step into the ‘real world’ of work. But I was also very excited; I can’t tell you how ready I was to make a career for myself and family. It was a great opportunity, walking into a guest service department, as at the time it didn’t exist, so I had the chance to make something my own which strangely took the pressure off a bit! 

Q: And how do you feel about it now – has working in the industry changed your opinion or given you a different perspective/insight?  

I absolutely adore my job. Of course, it comes with difficult situations but they give you experience, which gives you a newfound knowledge. Hospitality is one big problem-solving task, and it gives your brain a new way of thinking – you are constantly thinking ahead! My opinion has certainly changed; when you’re on the other side you don’t realise how tirelessly people work to offer a service, and there is a very strategic way in how we offer that. It has certainly made me so much more patient and understanding when I visit other places, as you only see a glimpse of the effort when dining out or staying somewhere! 

Q: What do you think are the biggest misconceptions about working in hospitality? 

I think one of the biggest misconceptions in hospitality is that those working within it are poorly educated! You will find at Healing Manor Hotel there are a lot of younger staff, and we get so many compliments on how amazing they are. You wouldn’t believe the knowledge our team have about their roles. In the hospitality industry there are so many aspects you can progress in. I think it’s a great all-rounder choice for anyone, whatever their background. There is something that each person could deliver in every department. 

Q: How do you feel being a part of the Healing Manor Hotel team has changed you as a person? 

Being part of the team, has changed me for the better. I have a new-found confidence which I was lacking before. I kept telling myself I couldn’t do or achieve certain things, and now I can’t believe I ever thought that. Now my attitude is, what can I achieve next?  

Q: What skills has the experience given you that you perhaps did not have before? And which of those would you say are transferable and why? 

I joked in my interview that although I didn’t have the work experience, being home with two children meant I had the patience of a saint. I could multitask, and I could trust in my ability to think through situations, and was also a master in managing conflict! I really believe that being a mum give me all the transferrable skills I needed, and set me up to develop them at the Manor. But the one thing I know my team will laugh at, is that now I am almost a tech pro, whereas before the role I was rubbish with Excel, I hadn’t worked with any computer systems. I class myself as a mini expert now! 

Q: How has working in the hospitality industry aided your personal and professional development? 

 Working in general has aided both areas of my life, because the newfound confidence has given me a structure to progress, which reflects at home because it makes me want to be my best!  Timing is everything, I often wondered would I ever do it and now I can’t look back! I want to be that advocate for working mums that you can have it all with balance. As I mentioned before, hospitality is such a broad spectrum. It will aid you in every aspect, which can be transferred into anything – people skills being the main one.  

Q: And within that, how has Healing Manor Hotel particularly worked with you to support you? 

Healing Manor has been a huge support. I originally applied for a different role and was offered the role of Guest Service Supervisor. They had full confidence in my abilities to transform the role into what it is today, ensuring the quality and customer service is at its highest level. I have since progressed into a manager’s role with their support and guidance. We have an amazing team; we all have the same aspirations of where we want the business to go, which is the biggest support in itself.  

Q: What has been your favourite part of the job, why so? 

My favourite part of the job so far is seeing the growth within the hotel. We achieved our 4-star award and obtained our 2 Rosettes, which is amazing to be a part of. Also, the team members I work with get on so well, which makes going to work easy!   


 And a few silly ones, so you can get to know Rebecca a little better…

Q: Favourite Dish?
Oh, this is a hard one, it must be between a Sunday Roast (my claim to fame is I make the best Yorkies) or anything Mexican – you can’t beat it!  

Q: Favourite Dessert?
Banoffee Pie.

Q: Biggest Food Dislike?
Don’t judge me – but cheese. I really wish I could like it, but I hate it!   

 Q: Favourite drink?
Alcoholic; Malibu and Coke. I know it’s a bit basic, but I never get fed up drinking it.
For a soft drink, I love Irn-Bru.  

  Q: Favorite song?

Ed Sheeran – Overpass Graffiti   

Q: Biggest Pet Peeve?

Laziness! I don’t like it when people don’t put effort into things. If you’re going to do a job, just do it properly! 


Catch up with our The Hidden Side of Hospitality blog serie here. Interested in joining the team? Take a look at our vacancies.